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Senin, 13 Juni 2011

Milo Doggies Cookies

Baking with kids edition..... bikinnya gampang, hasilnya cute!!!!!. Awalnya ngeliat cookies ini di flickr seorang teman....lucu bangettttttttt!!!! wuuiiihhh...penasaran to the max... akhirnya ngubek-ngubek mbah google nyariin resepnya. Dan seneng...bisa nemu resepnya, dan ternyata nggak susah dan nggak pake ribet bikinnya. Yang lebih fun lagi, anak-anak juga bisa ikutan bikin karena bentuknya yang lucu...mmm kayaknya bakalan jadi cookies favorite nih...^^

Milo Doggies Cookies
source :
(makes about 48 cookies)

180g butter, soften at room temperature
80g Milo
200g top flour or cake flour
25g corn flour
25g milk powder
100g chocolate chips
some chocolate rice
some Koko Krunch

1. Pre-heat oven to 140deg C. Line baking tray with baking paper and set aside.
2. Sieve top flour, corn flour and milk powder.
3. Cream butter and milo for about three minutes at low speed. Do not overbeat.
4. Put in top flour, cornflour and milk powder and beat for about one minute to form dough.
5. Divide dough into 10g each. Put three chocolate chips into each piece of dough and roll into balls.
6. Insert two pieces of Koko Krunch to form the 'ears', chocolate rice for the "eyes", and a chocolate chip in the centre for the 'nose'.
7. Bake at 140 deg C for about 25 minutes. Depending on your oven, it may take another 5 to 10 minutes more for the cookies to be ready.
8. Leave to cool on wire rack before storing in an airtight container.

Stay cooking with love...


11 komentar:

  1. aaww, ini lucu banget >.<
    pengen nyobain bikin ah ^__^

  2. yukk bikin...gampang, hasilnya cute banget..^^

  3. salam kenal mbak.... ^^ aq udah coba bikin kukis ini dan anak2 ku sukaaaaaa banget. thx resepnya ya mbak. ijin share ya.....

    1. waaa....ikutan seneng deh... silahkan kalau mau di share mbak, my pleasure.. ^^

  4. eyand, mau tanya, Top Flour atau cake flour itu kalo mo beli di pasaran apa ya merek atau nama umum nya :D

  5. mbak..corn flour itu tepung apa ya? tepung jagung or maizena??

  6. mba, izin nyobain resepnya trus ditaruh di blogku yauaaa.... makasih banyak... salam manis... :)
